12h to 24h Forecast:
Occasional precipitation, worsening
Latest Data:
03/Nov/2015 @ 11:59:14 [GMT/UTC]
[80,546h and 30m before the page was refreshed] NO DATA IS BEING RECEIVED FROM PeppoWS :p( I am sure peppo is looking at it (or he will ASAP)! we are deeply sorry for this :p(
it's quite cloudy up there :p( |
it's kind of cold out here, but seems to be getting warmer |
wow, very humid folks! |
usual Irish breeze... |
and for later (12h to 24h)... yes, it will probably rain soon... but maybe not! |
Current: | 1,011.7 | hPa |
Trend: | -0.4 | hPa/h |
Today Low: | 1,011.6 | hPa |
@ | 11:55 | |
Today High: | 1,024.9 | hPa |
@ | 00:18 | |